Since most methods end up coming down to a predictable, common sense, playout,
I like to take the poetic presentation and fashion it in the vernacular.
Many years (decades) ago I used to work with some people. We called ourselves
"system builders", to have a name for it. The other guy was a retiring Judge in CA
(Was a lawyer/DA for most of his career). He'd get called in to fill in for other judges
out sick or on vac.. We were doing a lot of craps stuff, with the tester book, etc.
Well as he sat up on the bench he said he had all his papers and stuff in front of him.
And we were joking at how the disposition of something that was coming up might go
one way or another based on how his numbers were going. Or if the had the audacity
to be talking or interrupting him while he got into the heat of something on the bench.
So next time you're in court (RG), remember that the judge could be crunching roulette
or craps numbers. You may want to ask. ( Yeah, I know RG. You drink and get drunk.
When I drank (1/2 gal of vodka a day) 14 years ago I'd occasionally grow hand cuffs.
That illness is generally cured by sobriety. (FYI)
Anyway, one time we were trying to out do ourselves. I came up with this complex path
to picking a bet. Even chance. "Do this, subtract that, put it in a bag, swing it over your head,
The email came back, "isn't that the same as playing "next to last"?"
He was right.