In cycles of 99 spins:
123 123 appear ratio is 1/900
The 9 patterns possible all have the same odds playing 123123 or 321321 is the same.
This makes 0,1111% probability.
This apply to next playing sample:
Spin.1. - DZ1
Spin.2. - DZ2
Spin.3. - DZ3
Spin.4. - DZ2,DZ3
Spin.5. - DZ1,DZ3
Spin.6. - DZ1,DZ2
Always bet the 3 previous pattern block of 3 last dozen.
28. DZ3
3. DZ1
17. DZ2
34. DZ3 (betting DZ1,2) L
14. DZ2 (betting DZ2,3) W
18. DZ2 no bet
6. DZ1 (betting DZ1,2) W
7. DZ1 no bet
31. DZ3 no bet
READ 3 spins block,
BET next max next 3 spins stop at win
In attach is tracking sample sheet
123 123 appear ratio is 1/900
The 9 patterns possible all have the same odds playing 123123 or 321321 is the same.
This makes 0,1111% probability.
This apply to next playing sample:
Spin.1. - DZ1
Spin.2. - DZ2
Spin.3. - DZ3
Spin.4. - DZ2,DZ3
Spin.5. - DZ1,DZ3
Spin.6. - DZ1,DZ2
Always bet the 3 previous pattern block of 3 last dozen.
28. DZ3
3. DZ1
17. DZ2
34. DZ3 (betting DZ1,2) L
14. DZ2 (betting DZ2,3) W
18. DZ2 no bet
6. DZ1 (betting DZ1,2) W
7. DZ1 no bet
31. DZ3 no bet
READ 3 spins block,
BET next max next 3 spins stop at win
In attach is tracking sample sheet